We are with you to assist your clients

Time optimization

Create a knowledge center so that employees can find information on their own and optimize time

Corporate synergy

A single software package that streamlines operations for customers and guides teams across the organization toward business process synergy

Easy and intuitive

Ensures effective, ready-to-use tools to help your teams do their best work

Technical support and training

Team training with our experts. Ongoing technical support for optimal user experience

Rely on certified professionals!"Thanks to Zendesk and Mind-Mercatis' ongoing support, our teams save time to focus on what's important, and employees are able to get answers quickly and get their tasks done much faster. It turns out to be a cutting-edge support solution that integrates with all channels." - AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY


Support for teams and clients

icon-benefits Conversational assistance

Offers your customers conversational support that includes several messaging apps so that customers can easily find the answers they are looking for

icon-benefits Open and flexible architecture

With a library of more than 1,200 apps and integration, it enables one-click integration of the systems used every day while having useful and usable data

icon-benefits Automates the flows of human and IT resources

Support your teams with artificial assistance, automation, and workflow so that you can avoid a large number of tickets and speed up resolution times

icon-benefits Internal assistance

For both customers and employees, it manages the prioritization of requests by allowing teams to focus on the most important ones


Discover our winning methodology to improve your business

Requirements Analysis

We listen to your needs to make collaboration an effective development experience. Fill out the demo request form and get in touch with us, and we will be able to provide you with the information you need.

Project estimation

Transparency drives everything we do, so you can assess in detail the value of this new beginning with Mind-Mercatis. Let's choose together how to turn our proposal into your solution.

Drawing solution

We develop an exclusive project for your business with a team of technical experts. We turn your development idea into a strategy and provide the tools to make it a reality.

Installation and configuration

We install the product in optimal time, for a quick start of project implementation. We operationalize through unique configurations, the growth of your company.


Your team will be trained by our professionals to work independently and effectively with the new tools. In addition, we are always ready to support you in updating on new product features.


We offer support to each client for every aspect of collaboration. From technical to management to process definition and evaluation of new project ideas to implement together.