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From Factory 4.0 to the Cloud: data governance and exploitation

Interview of Mind-Mercatis CEO Simone Avogadro published by Newsimpresa-Dossier-IBE magazine From factory 4.0 to the cloud: data governance and exploitation! Mind-Mercatis

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The Power of the Cloud - Hybrid integration through iPaaS

Scaling quickly and cost-effectively to the cloud Hybrid integration through iPaaS! Have you ever googled "How to scale business"? Give it a try

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Artificial intelligence in the evolution of Atlassian services

Cloud computing in recent years has evolved through the demand for computing services, from databases to increased and efficient power

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Teamwork governance begins with integration.

Analysis and perspective from an interview with Mind-Mercatis CEO Simone Avogadro. Teamwork governance begins with integration, with Mind-Mercatis,

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Migrating to the Cloud a long-term success

The cloud is not merely a differentiator. It is much more than that. It is a strategic requirement for long-term success. Ten

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 iPaaS design integration on the Cloud

iPaaS design integration on the Cloud - Excerpt from ZeroUnoWEb's article dedicated to the Exevutive Dinner event organized by Mind-Mercatis. An event that brought

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Agile and Automation: The Perfect Pair to Meet the Challenges of Scalability

In the IT world, Agile has become synonymous with flexibility, speed and adaptability. However, tackling large-scale projects with Agile can be

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Marketing consulting- atlassian jira confluence mind mercatis

How to align goals and processes in marketing teams

In the complex world of marketing, where accuracy and alignment are essential, Atlassian offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to support

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Customer data analysis: a 360-degree view with Boomi Atompshere

Business leaders and marketers often talk about the importance of a 360-degree customer view. But what

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