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Artificial intelligence in the evolution of Atlassian services

Cloud computing in recent years has evolved through the demand for computing services, from databases to increased and efficient power

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Hybrid integration - CEO Simone Avogadro speaks.

A significant excerpt from Mind-Mercatis CEO Simone Avogadro's interview on iPaaS, Hybrid Cloud and integration strategies on ZeroUnoWeb. Hybrid integration goes through

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Teamwork governance begins with integration.

Analysis and perspective from an interview with Mind-Mercatis CEO Simone Avogadro. Teamwork governance begins with integration, with Mind-Mercatis,

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Migrating to the Cloud a long-term success

The cloud is not merely a differentiator. It is much more than that. It is a strategic requirement for long-term success. Ten

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Mind-Mercatis s.r.l. Joins the Boomi Technology Partner Program, Delivering "MIND-MERCATIS AWS - PARTNER CONNECTOR" to help customers automating Amazon AWS Services integration

Mind-Mercatis s.rl., the leading on cloud integration design and services, today announced it has joined the Boomi Technology Partner Program and has contributed to
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team finance it governance

Optimizing the Efficiency of Financial Teams with Jira

In the dynamic world of finance, where accuracy, timeliness, and collaboration are key, finance teams increasingly rely on

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