IT Design

Performance Maximization and IT Security

The datacenter and enterprise networks form the core of any company's IT infrastructure. Our goal is to guide you in transforming these infrastructures, making them true levers for your business success. We support user productivity by optimizing application and database performance.

We meet flexibility needs by implementing Hybrid IT and Software Defined Datacenter projects. We also strive to make your business more agile, competitive, and secure by implementing and optimizing your enterprise network to ensure a solid technology foundation that supports your business ambitions.

IT Transformation in Four Steps

1. Needs and Assessment.

During this phase, we carefully analyze the customer's needs and assess the current performance and capabilities of the IT infrastructure. Through a thorough analysis, we identify priorities and critical issues, providing a solid foundation for the subsequent transformation process.

2. Configuration

In the configuration phase, we design customized and scalable solutions to meet specific customer needs. Using industry best practices and the latest technologies, we develop a detailed plan to optimize the IT infrastructure while ensuring flexibility and adaptability to future business needs.

3. SLA

We define rigorous SLAs to ensure that the IT infrastructure meets established performance and availability requirements. These SLAs are continuously monitored and measured against key metrics, ensuring a consistent, high-quality level of service for the entire organization.

4. Go Live

In the final phase, we implement the designed solutions and operationally launch the transformed IT infrastructure. Through careful planning and effective change management, we ensure a smooth launch, enabling the client to quickly enjoy the benefits of the new technologies and processes implemented.

Process Engineering and IT Infrastructure.

Leverage our consultancy to engineer your IT infrastructure processes, ensuring business continuity and resource optimization

From challenges to successes: the clients of Mind-Mercatis

Our Technologies for IT Design

Integrated services with process automation

Data Integration for Business Agility

It optimizes enterprise data management by automating integration processes, ensuring a continuous and reliable flow of information between various systems and applications.

Evolved IT Service Management with Automation

Implements automation solutions to simplify IT service management, improving timeliness of responses, reducing downtime, and increasing user satisfaction.

Digital Strategy Empowered by Process Automation

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