Do you want to increase profits, improve the speed of IT service delivery, scale in an instant, not overload IT teams, run a more sustainable business, and have access to the large (and growing) talent pool remotely? Well, if your answer is yes--to even one of these questions--it's time to start considering the cloud. And if you answered yes to all the questions? Then, it's time to develop a strategic plan to migrate to the cloud. Here are six ways to start laying the groundwork for a successful migration:

Convert to cloud-first and get stakeholder buy-in

Technical changes, if not accompanied by cultural change, fail. And that is why, the first step in any migration to the cloud is to get stakeholder consensus and convince teams to think cloud-first. How? By showing them the benefits, not just for the whole company, but for their specific goals. How will the cloud make their lives easier? How will it support their team's goals? How will it increase transparency, communication, collaboration? And how will it reward team members when it comes time to think about career advancement or recognition of business contributions?

Calculate the cost of your migration

Before making the transition, it is important to understand the real cost and savings that can be expected from a move to the cloud. Bring this calculation to stakeholder meetings. And don't sugarcoat it. In many cases, the cost of migration means that it can take a year or two to begin to see the true long-term savings of the move. So the strategy is to take a long-term view, as opposed to short-term gains. 

Think about your main needs and choose the right technology

How much data do you have? How many users? What tools and features does your team need? The sooner you answer these questions, the better prepared you will be to choose the right tools and the right vendor. Are you storing data you don't actually need? Do you know that you could standardize custom workflows to make things easier? Migration is an opportunity to benefit from more agile, scalable, cost-effective, and future-ready technology, but more importantly, it's also an opportunity to evaluate processes, data sizes, and workflows to give your productivity and profits a boost.

Not sure how to migrate from on-prem to the Cloud?

Well, there is more than one way to migrate from on-prem to the cloud. And the "right" way for you will depend on several factors, including the size of your organization, the amount of data you are migrating, and which teams will be using your new cloud systems.

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The three most common migration strategies are known as Lift and Shift, Start Fresh, and Optimize and Shift. Understanding which approach is right for your team, before proceeding, is an important step in making migration smooth.

Promptly schedule regular reviews 

In a rapidly changing technical landscape, finding the right solution is no longer enough. Continuous study and updating is needed. Indeed, cutting-edge teams regularly review their goals and the technologies that support them, asking questions such as:

  • Is there a better way to do things?
  • Are there any new features or updates we need to better support our business?
  • Has anything changed in the last three months, six months, that we need to take into account in our strategy or tools?

It is easy to think of strategy as a one-time process. But this is not the case. One must always keep up, because there is always room for improvement.

Establish roles and responsibilities to better manage your Cloud teams

Having a vendor on hand that streamlines most of the manual work is a big plus. Then again, making sure you have people on your team ready and alert to keep an eye on things is certainly a smart approach.

That is why it is critical to establish everyone's roles and responsibilities. After all, over time your needs may change. Your vendor's options, too. Your teams will have a much deeper understanding of your business needs and challenges than your supplier. 

It is also worth considering working with a dedicated Solution Partner, like us at Mind-Mercatis, who can support you at every stage, from cloud migration to agile processes, cloud governance and more. This need for oversight is a condition for making your cloud service transparent and visible. As a result, you can monitor the performance of individual team members and understand how your cloud services meet your security and compliance needs.

Don't you think it's time to move to the cloud?

The data are glaring. High-performing teams are 24 times more likely to use the cloud than lower-performing teams Of course, moving to the cloud is not a button you can push to instantly increase profits, speed, productivity, scalability, and preparedness for the future.

But the time and costs involved in making the transition pay off big time in the long run. You won't be disappointed. Regardless of your team size or stage of growth, Atlassian has flexible plans and tools to help you not only keep up, but stay ahead. Atlassian offers its most popular products completely free for teams of 10 or fewer.

The goal is to unlock the potential of teams, from startups to enterprises. Atlassian Cloud Premium gives teams the confidence to scale reliably with advanced features, plus a 99.9 percent uptime SLA, unlimited storage and premium support. Not to mention that enterprises benefit from large team discounts when it comes to more than 101 users.

So? What are enterprises waiting for to improve productivity through the Cloud?