iPaaS design integration on the Cloud - Excerpt from ZeroUnoWEb article dedicated to the event Exevutive Dinner organized by Mind-Mercatis. An event that brought to light the reputation of reliable, scalable and rapidly adoptable design solutions by Italian companies aiming at process digitization. 

Mind-Mercatis is a company that offers solutions and expertise to accelerate the digital transformation making use of tools under the brand name Atlassian e Boomi. The hybrid model today proves to be the most effective answer to support digital services, accelerating delivery. We are experiencing a moment of strong digitization. Agility and speed have become the competitive keys of new digitally based business models, while the IT infrastructure to support embrace the hybrid paradigm to ensure the flexibility and effectiveness of response.

The iPaaS solutions make it possible to simplify the management of complex IT systems. The IT world is increasingly becoming an integrating provider of services to support business. As Stefano Mainetti, Co-Director of the Cloud & ICT as a Service Observatory School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano, says, information systems are under pressure because business is running faster and faster and it is necessary to hold its own against consumer technologies that are so easily usable and integrated with each other. SI talks about the bimodal it model that can support operations and innovation.

In the new composite environments, barriers must be broken down: the watchword is integration. iPaaS platforms are the key to an IT way made of cloud archipelagos by offering batch and real-time integrations, a repository of integration events, security support, a development platform for connectors between on-premise systems and cloud services, advanced features such as monitoring and governance of Api, master data management, end-to-end support for heterogeneous and multi-source data management, and analytics.