
Discover Crowd Opportunities

Single sign-on (SSO)

It improves users' lives by giving them a user name and password to access all applications.

Centralize multiple directories

From a single application it allows any combination of directories to be mapped, great for managing users not in the main directory.

Governs group authorizations

Allows users to be managed from multiple directories such as Active Directory, LDAP.

Centralized identity management

Provides control of authentication permissions for all applications from a single location.

Rely on certified professionals!"Our challenge was to harmonize processes and optimize our workflows. Mind-Mercatis successfully supported us in creating an integrated planning process that provided multi-team and multi-supplier management, time tracking and capacity planning. The quality and timing of our processes have significantly improved." - IT Manager Automotive Sector


Find out why millions of companies choose Crowd

icon-benefits Time gain

Speed up team management by allowing new users to be configured to be automatically added to specific groups.

icon-benefits Governs group authorizations

Maintains users in LDAP and defines authentication permissions in Crowd.

icon-benefits Adaptation to the existing structure

Easy integration with the company's existing identity infrastructure by integrating tools such as Microsoft Azure AD.

icon-benefits Gives compliance and security

A built-in audit log that improves control over the configuration by providing a higher level of security.


Discover our winning methodology to improve your business

Requirements Analysis

We listen to your needs to make collaboration an effective development experience. Fill out the consultation request form and get in touch with us, and we will be able to provide you with the information you need.

Project estimation

Transparency drives everything we do, so you can assess in detail the value of this new beginning with Mind-Mercatis. Let's choose together how to turn our proposal into your solution .

Drawing solution

We develop an exclusive project for your business with a team of technical experts. We turn your development idea into a strategy and provide the tools to make it a reality.

Installation and configuration

We install the product in optimal time, for a quick start of project implementation. We operationalize through unique configurations, the growth of your company.


Your team will be trained by our professionals to work independently and effectively with the new tools. In addition, we are always ready to support you in updating on new product features.


We offer support to each client for every aspect of collaboration. From technical to management to process definition and evaluation of new project ideas to implement together.