
SSO Authentication

Shibboleth offers robust and secure Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication, facilitating users' access to multiple applications with a single digital identity.

Compliance and Safety

Implements strict security and compliance standards, protecting sensitive data and ensuring compliance with international regulations.

Scalability and Flexibility

The platform is highly scalable, allowing it to handle an increasing number of users and applications without compromising performance.

Versatile Integration

A guide to identifying the right partner

Analysis and Planning

At this stage, we assess the client's specific needs, identifying requirements for compliance with privacy regulations such as GDPR and any specific national regulations. We analyze the existing network infrastructure to ensure compatibility with Shibboleth and plan an implementation strategy that includes configuring SSL/TLS for secure communications and adopting firewalls and VPNs to protect sensitive data.

Design and Implementation

We design custom Shibboleth solutions, ensuring compatibility with existing systems and applications, such as ERP, CRM and other critical business platforms. We implement interoperability standards according to SAML and OIDC protocols. We configure Shibboleth to provide multiple factor authentication (MFA) and automate user provisioning and deprovisioning for effective identity and access management.

Testing and Validation

We perform rigorous testing to verify the security and efficiency of Shibboleth solutions. We implement access and security logs to monitor access and detect any suspicious or unauthorized activity. We configure detailed logging systems and conduct regular security reviews to identify and correct any vulnerabilities. We optimize solutions to ensure optimal performance and regulatory compliance.

Training and Ongoing Support

The security of the Mind-Mercatis experience.

We are strategic partners with deep experience implementing Shibboleth, a leading solution for Single Sign-On (SSO) and digital identity management. Our active collaboration with the Shibboleth consortium, which develops and maintains this open-source technology, allows us to remain at the forefront of innovation and industry best practices.

In addition, our experience with the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, a recognized authority in security and authentication, further strengthens our ability to provide reliable and secure solutions. With us, companies can count on comprehensive and customized support, ensuring that Shibboleth implementations improve operational efficiency and protect sensitive data while maintaining compliance with applicable regulations.

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