Jira Software

Advanced Project Management

Jira Software enables you to plan, monitor and manage projects with advanced tools such as Scrum and Kanban, facilitating collaboration and improving team transparency and efficiency.

Customization of Dashboards

It enables the creation of customized dashboards that provide a clear view of project activities and performance, adapting to the specific needs of teams and individual users.

Workflow Automation

Jira Software offers powerful workflow automation capabilities, allowing you to reduce errors and increase productivity through rules and automations that can be configured according to your business processes.

Integration with Enterprise Tools

It easily integrates with numerous enterprise tools such as Confluence, Bitbucket, Slack, and GitHub, creating a unified ecosystem that supports efficient and collaborative project management.

Making the most of Jira with Mind-mercatis

Needs Assessment and Strategy

We analyze your company's specific needs to define a customized Jira Software implementation strategy, ensuring that the solution is perfectly aligned with your business goals.

Configuration and Customization

We configure and customize Jira Software to fit your workflows, including tailored dashboards, process automations and integrations with other business tools such as Confluence and Bitbucket.

Training and Skills Development

We provide in-depth training to staff to ensure that all team members are able to use Jira Software effectively, improving project management and collaboration.

Continuous Support and Optimization

The right partner for your projects

Companies need a clear view of activities and performance. We customize Jira dashboards to provide detailed and up-to-date reports in real time, facilitating project tracking. For distributed teams, we integrate Jira with other enterprise tools such as Confluence and Slack, improving communication and collaboration between teams. We also provide detailed training and ongoing support, ensuring that your team can take full advantage of all Jira's features.

By choosing us as your partner, you will have a reliable and competent team by your side, ready to support you every step of the way, from the initial planning to the ongoing implementation and optimization of your projects. With our consultancy, Jira becomes a powerful and adaptable tool that can meet your specific business needs and bring real value to your organization.


Connected solutions