Jira Service Management

Customization of Dashboards

Jira Service Management enables the creation of customized dashboards that provide a clear view of business performance and KPIs. Dashboards can include metrics such as average time to resolution of requests and the amount of open and closed tickets, allowing real-time monitoring of service performance.

Workflow Optimization

Workflows in Jira Service Management are highly customizable. Using automation rules, transition conditions, and built-in approvals, companies can automate repetitive tasks, reduce approval times, and improve operational efficiency. For example, automatic notifications for approvals and updating request statuses based on predefined conditions.

Process Management

Jira Service Management provides tools for managing business processes, including customized request queues, SLAs to monitor service times, and ticket templates to standardize responses. This ensures that requests are handled consistently and according to business best practices.

Integration with Existing Tools

Jira Service Management easily integrates with tools such as Confluence, Bitbucket and Slack via native APIs and connectors. For example, service requests can be linked to code repositories in Bitbucket or documentation in Confluence, improving traceability and troubleshooting.

Transforming service management with Mind-Mercatis

Needs Analysis and Strategy

We analyze each client's specific needs and develop a customized strategy for implementing Jira Service, ensuring that solutions are aligned with business objectives.

Design and Customization

We design and customize Jira Service features, from dashboards to workflows, ensuring that each element is optimized to improve efficiency and meet operational needs.

Implementation and Optimization

We implement configured solutions, ensuring smooth integration with existing tools and continuously optimizing configurations to maximize operational effectiveness.

Ongoing Support and Training

Our experience at your service

Connected solutions