Business leaders and marketing experts often talk about the importance of a 360-degree view of the customer.

But what exactly does it mean?

In a practical sense, we know that a 360-degree view is a complete circle, unobstructed. You have complete clarity and visibility over an entire area. When translating this concept into business and marketing, the general idea is that a company has complete visibility of its its customers. The organization has a deep understanding of their behaviors, needs and desires. Companies with this customer perspective analyze every interaction they have with the brand to better work on the weakest interaction points and gain awareness further of theuniqueness of their needs. In this way, they can create engaging experiences that make customers feel as if the brand is anticipating their desires. Of course, this is not easy. Analyzing and understanding the multifaceted nature of today's customers requires a concerted effort. I data are a powerful resource in the digital world.

Customer overview: Boomi Atomsphere |

Companies with more data on customers and their potential path with the brand will be in a better position to provide the products and services they expect. This enables business operations more empathetic, which in turn helps companies to create personal connections stronger with customers. Such relationships result in greater trust and loyalty. This, of course, improves sales e generates revenue more consistent revenue. In addition, customers who feel loyal to a brand are much more likely to recommend it to others. For reduce the complexity of managing such an important resource as data about one's customers, it is essential to have aquality integration. This means bringing together customer data in a fluid and cohesive way that creates real business impact.

To achieve this comprehensive view, it is necessary for companies to understand what types of data is most important monitor. Some examples are: past purchases or buying habits that include product type, average amount, frequency, previous inquiries or interest in products or services, past communications with the brand across all platforms. Customer relationship management (CRM) tools make it easier for companies to collection, l'storage and theanalysis of this type of data within the profiles of individual customers. It is important to note that people are continually evolving, which means that a company's understanding of them must also continually evolve. Companies that make an extra effort to adapt the interactions to individual customers, or at least to granular segments, they will get a much better return on investment from marketing and sales efforts. L'predictive analytics is critical to maintaining and strengthening customer relationships and sales data, reducing the presence and time it takes to resolve customer problems, and consequently also reducing customer frustrations.

Boomi offers a solution cloud-native for a 360-degree customer view, enabling companies to obtain and manage important customer information. The platform Boomi AtomSphere connects systems, processes and devices to ensure that data is accessible to the people who need it, when they need it. This ability to connect everyone to everything, at any time, gives customers Boomi a unique advantage over the competition when it comes to building and maintaining relationships. With Boomi, organizations can connect customer data from various business silos to develop a more holistic view of customers while learning how to best serve them. A low-code solution, scalable e flexible all to be discovered!