Terms and conditions of use

The portal www.mindmercatis.com responds to the purpose of providing businesses and end users (hereinafter, for brevity, users) with information regarding the company Mind-Mercatis Srl. The user acknowledges that its use is subject to acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth below.

Intellectual Property

All rights to the contents (by way of example, texts, images and architecture of the site) are reserved, in accordance with current legislation. The contents of the pages of the site may not, either in whole or in part, be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published or distributed in any way without the prior written consent of Mind-Mercatis Srl, except for the possibility of storing them in your own computer or printing extracts of the pages of this site solely for personal use. Any form of link to this site, if inserted by third parties, must not harm the image and activities of Mind-Mercatis Srl. Any failure to comply with these provisions, unless explicitly authorized in writing, will be prosecuted in the competent civil and criminal courts.

Mind-Mercatis Srl is the owner of the textual and graphic content of the Web site that can be reached at the URLs www.mindmercatis.it, www.mindmercatis.com, www.mercatis.it and www.mercatis.eu. All material on it may not be used by third parties without explicit written permission to be requested at the certified mail address ti.liamlagelobfsctd@sitacremdnim

Images and photos are licensed to Mind-Mercatis Srl by iStockphoto. Mind-Mercatis® is a registered trademark.

All trademarks, logos, acronyms, brands, images shown on the site and not explicitly belonging to Mind-Mercatis srl are the property of their respective owners, they are used on www.mindmercatis.com exclusively for cognitive and informative purposes. If you have any problems please contact us and they will be removed.

Limits of liability

Mind-Mercatis Srl, unless otherwise indicated by law, cannot be held liable in any way for damages of any nature caused directly or indirectly by accessing the site, by the inability or impossibility of accessing it, by reliance on the news contained therein or by their use. Mind-Mercatis Srl reserves the right to change the contents of the site and this page at any time and without notice. Mind-Mercatis Srl assumes no responsibility for services offered by third parties with which the site has activated a link, and for any other content, information or anything else contrary to the laws of the Italian State present in the resource of the third party linked to the attached link. Links to external sites are provided as a mere service to users, with the exclusion of any responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the set of links indicated. The indication of links does not imply, moreover, on the part of Mind-Mercatis Srl, any kind of approval or sharing of responsibility in relation to the completeness and correctness of the information contained in the sites indicated.

See also.